When the TV Xfinity reads “No Signal,” it could be as a result of your power cable not being plugged into working power outlets, your cable connections being loosed, not using an HDMI cable, TV not being connected to the proper input, etc. All these disrupt Xfinity TV live streaming.

Causes of ‘No Signal On TV Xfinity’

Xfinity Instant TV enables you to watch live TV from your comfort zone. It gives you the live experience of television programs. It is a cable television streaming service that channels live TV programs from broadcast and famous cable networks. 

Xfinity TV operates through smart television and tablets. Through this channel, you can enjoy sports, news, and popular shows. You don’t have to go to the theatres or sports complex to get first-hand information about what is going on, rather, these programs are aired live, and they give you the satisfaction you would have gotten if you were there.  

Xfinity TV allows you to access programs at any time and from anywhere. It has fostered the world as a global village, allowing people to know and understand what goes on around them. 

However, the services rendered by this cable TV sometimes encounter signal issues. When this happens, you will not be enjoying the live streaming service offered by Xfinity TV. Some of the causes of this signal issue include:

Wrong connectionIncorrect input settingPoor weather condition The problem with the cable boxAn outage of service

Wrong Connection 

This happens when you don’t connect the cables of your Xfinity correctly. For instance, if you put the cable for a particular port into the port for another cable, there will be a signal problem, that’s if the Xfinity TV even comes on. So, it is important to maintain the correct cable connection.

Incorrect Input Setting

Some particular setups activate live streaming on your Xfinity television. If this setting is not put in correctly, then the Xfinity TV would have a problem connecting you to your favorite TV program. In setting up your Xfinity television, you have to be intentional about what and what you activate. 

Poor Weather Condition 

This is a general problem for any cabled network service. For instance, in some countries in Africa, when it rains heavily, the Power Holding Company usually withholds power. This is because there could be a cable breakage, or the weather would prevent a smooth transmission of live television programs. 

The Problem With The Cable Box

A cable converts digital television to signals. It also ensures that the digital television is properly connected to the Xfinity signal. However, the cable boxes sometimes have hardware issues or weather issues. When there is a heavy downpour or disruptive wind, the television cable box is affected.

An Outage Of Service

This happens when you can no longer continue to use the Xfinity service, either because of the service unavailability or because the service has been impaired. Service outages always interfere with the signal of Xfinity Television, and by implication, disconnect your access to the bigger world. 

From the causes of ‘No signal on TV Xfinity’ explained above, you can see that there is a need for you to understand them so you can know how best to rectify them. Let us now explore how the ‘No signal on TV Xfinity’ can be rectified. 

Remedy To ‘No Signal On TV Xfinity’

Five ways to fix the signal problem associated with Xfinity TV include:

Make good use of the cable buttonCheck if inputs are plugged correctlyActivate your input portsThe TV Box should be reset

Make Good Use Of The Cable Button

When you notice that you have no signal on your Xfinity television, or that your signal is unstable, then you should turn off the streaming device. In the case of difficulty, hold on to the power button for 10 seconds, and this will automatically restart your device. 

Check If Inputs Are Plugged Correctly

Around your TV, behind or beside, there are specific ports for each device. If devices are plugged into the wrong ports, then the error message ‘No Signal on TV Xfinity’ will pop up on your TV. Correct input is done by activating the correct remote button.

Activate your input ports

When there is an issue with the TV input, reading the signals that emanate from the TV would be difficult. This can be resolved when you quickly change the input port with the remote.

The TV Box should be reset

This is a troubleshooting method that can be effectively carried out by switching off the TV box, detaching the power cable connected to the wall outlet, connecting it back to the power outlet after a few minutes, waiting for the TV box to reboot, and then turning on the Xfinity TV to confirm it’s functioning well. 

Knowing the causes and remedy of the Xfinity TV “No Signal” error message goes a long way in preventing and fixing this problem. 


One of the worst feelings in the world is having your smart TV or tablet disconnected from the cable service while live streaming your favorite TV show. However, this can be fixed easily. One of the things you can do to achieve this is to explore the causes and fixing methods above, as they would serve as a remarkable guide. 

  1. What is Xfinity?


It is an American telecommunication company that operates through cable television, internet, telephone, and wireless services. 

  1. When was Xfinity founded?


Xfinity was established on the 2nd of April, 1981.